Frequently Asked Questions

They will have the tools to break the bonds of poverty. An education allows them to provide a brighter future for themselves and their families. We have seen a great desire from our graduates to return home to use their skills to help their communities.

Why Sponsor a University Student?

Students must provide us with regular report cards to show that they are attending school and are encouraged to attend church in whichever city they choose to study. 

Report Cards

Oftentimes, widows are the primary care-giver for multiple children or grand-children. Many of them are unable read or write, and are unable to work, making it difficult to provide the necessities of life for themselves and their dependents.

Why Sponsor A Widow?

The child must attend both church and school in order to be sponsored by KSP. This is in place to ensure we are able to care for their mind, body and soul, and to encourage their academic success. 

Sponsorship Eligibility 

For every transaction, approx. 4.5% would go towards banking and credit card processing fees. When you make a payment online, there will be an option to add 4.5% to your payment. This is completely voluntarily, and we would kindly ask you to consider helping us cover these fees. 

Are There Any Transaction Costs?

1. Login to your KSP account (click LOGIN at the top of this page)
2. Click "My Profile" in the menu bar > "Update Payment Information" 
3. Fill in the Payment Info Form. Press Submit. 

How do I set up/update my credit card online?

We accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express & Discover Card. 

What types of credit cards do you accept?

1. Login to your KSP account (click LOGIN at the top of this page) 
2. Click "My Profile" in the menu bar > "My Donations"

Where can I view my tax receipts?