

June 2023 Newsletter


We are so thankful for your continued support of the Kingsview Sponsorship Program (KSP)! Your kindness and generosity have made a meaningful difference in the lives of children, students, orphans and widows in the Dominican Republic. We are excited to share some of the ways God has been at work this year, and we are eager to see how God continues to provide in the coming season. We ask that you continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in the Dominican; for God's provision and that He would continue to draw their hearts towards Him!

God Bless, 
The KSP Board of Directors

KSP Dominican Republic Updates

Administrative Trip: February 2023

In February of this year, our administration team embarked on a long-awaited mission trip from Canada to the Dominican Republic! One of the primary objectives of this trip was to visit the 30 churches that Kingsview is partnered with. After a hiatus due to the pandemic, the team was eager to reconnect with the churches and collect updated information and pictures for the sponsors!

During the trip, the team had the privilege of working alongside our colleagues in the Dominican. We are deeply grateful for the crucial roles these individuals play in the success of the program. Adrian is our operations manager in the Dominican, Marlin is the bookkeeper, and Sthefania is a school counselor who works closely with the children in our program. Their efforts in managing the sponsorship program and various projects in the Dominican Republic have made a significant impact in the lives of those we serve. Our administration team witnessed the Dominican Team's commitment and competence during this trip, and saw firsthand the vital role each of them play in making the program run smoothly. 

(From Left to Right: Liz, Lois, Linda, John, Elrond, Michael)

The Administration Team

Thank you Adrian, Marlin, and Sthefania for your exceptional dedication and hard work!

(From Left to Right: Adrian and Sthefania)

The Dominican Team

The administration team also dedicated time to visit three orphanages during the trip: Bethesda Home Foundation, the Children of Christ Orphanage for boys, and the Children of Christ Orphanage for girls. Their goal was to assess the orphanages' ongoing needs in areas including food, clothing, and caregiver support. With this information, our team gained a better understanding of how KSP can most effectively continue supporting these children and caregivers.

Home to 50 Children

Children of Christ Orphanage

The Haitian Project: New Partnerships

KSP is excited to have made working relationships with two new churches. These churches have embraced the mission of reaching out to Haitian refugees in the Dominican Republic. Recognizing the dire circumstances faced by these individuals, the churches extended their support, compassion, and outreach, providing both assistance and a sense of belonging.

KSP recognizes the urgent need to support these Haitian children, who are among the poorest of the poor. Please ask us what you can do to help as we are now seeking donations for them, to ensure they receive the necessities of life and have opportunities for a brighter future.

School Mission Project: Exciting Updates!

In 2022, KSP launched a new School Mission Project with the primary purpose of sharing the gospel in public schools, helping new believers get connected with local churches, and addressing the increase in mental health issues. This initiative aims to facilitate spiritual growth among the students and to bring them the gospel message of hope and redemption.

Sthefania has played a crucial role in the School Mission Project, as she openly shares her faith in Christ through her work. As a school counsellor, she actively engages in counseling sessions with children, parents, and teachers, providing support and guidance with a Christ-centered perspective.

Imbert School

Many teachers and children professed faith in Christ!

 In April of this year, Sthefania was approached with a special request to organize a Good Friday service at one of the schools she works in. Sthefania mobilized a team of 16 volunteers to preach and lead worship at the school. The service was a powerful experience that left a lasting impact on many teachers and children present. Over 70 people made professions of faith, including many teachers! The KSP Dominican team is now seeking to help them make connections with local churches so they may be discipled.

Please pray that God's work would continue to transform hearts and draw people to Himself for His glory alone.

Onely Rosario: Thank You For Your Support

In 2022, one of our special projects focused on a 13-year-old boy named Onely. As many of you know, Onely underwent multiple surgeries on his legs to alleviate has excruciating pain and to have the ability to fully stretch out his legs. In February, Onely successfully completed the final operation required and now the doctors are ready for him to embark on a crucial phase of physical therapy to strengthen his legs. Over the next three months, he will be meeting with his therapist multiple times per week. Please continue to keep Onely in your prayers during his healing process. It is our fervent hope that he will attain the ability to walk. Such a milestone would significantly enhance his quality of life, not to mention the relief it would bring to his devoted caregiver, Iluminada, who tirelessly supports him. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who generously contributed to the costs of his surgeries, as well as to those who have been keeping Onely in their prayers. Your support and compassion are making a profound difference in his life. Thank you!

The team's visit with Onely in February 2023

Congratulations Kingsview Graduates!

During the Admin Trip in February, the team had the honour of officiating a graduation ceremony for the 35 university students who had been part of the Kingsview Sponsorship Program. These students received support throughout their educational journey, empowering them to become agents of change within their communities and families. 

The administration team felt immense joy in witnessing the impact of education and faith on these young individuals, as they become beacons of hope and catalysts for positive change wherever they go. We pray that God uses these graduates to display His love and glory as they go into the world; to make a tangible difference in the lives of those around them.

"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." 
Matthew 5:16

To all our university sponsors, we want to thank you for your faithfulness in sponsoring your university student. We recognize your tremendous sacrifice. May God bless you for your Kingdom investment!


KSP Canadian Update

Sponsoring: Investing In A Life

On the Admin Trip in February, we witnessed firsthand the lasting impact that sponsors have in the lives of the individuals they support. Becoming a sponsor for a child, university student, or widow holds immense significance as it brings about profound transformation in the lives of those in need. By making this commitment and partnering with an individual in need, sponsors provide vital resources such as food and medical assistance, ultimately paving the way for a brighter future. 

The impact of sponsorship also extends beyond the provision of physical and material needs. Kingsview Sponsorship Program requires that sponsored children attend school regularly. With this requirement in place, we emphasize the importance of education and its ability to shape a child's future.

Similarly, sponsored individuals are partnered with a local church and are encouraged to attend regularly. Through these church communities, sponsored individuals receive encouragement, hope, and a sense of belonging as they learn about the Gospel of Christ. 

We would like to express our ongoing gratitude for every sponsor and their valuable contribution to the lives of individuals in the Dominican Republic. Through this investment, each person is equipped with the vital resources and means to make a positive difference within their families and communities.

Our Growing Family: Meet Kylie!

This summer we are pleased to announce our newest team member: Kylie Stewart! Kylie will be joining us as an intern from June to December 2023. Her main role will be assisting Sarah through administrative support. Kylie is a recent graduate from Redeemer University. Her area of study mainly focused on psychology. Kylie is honoured to be a part of the Kingsview family and is looking forward to helping you in any way that she can! 

Please join us in welcoming Kylie.


KSP Canadian Update

Orphanage Special Project: Bethesda Van Fundraiser

The Bethesda Orphanage has appealed for our help in raising funds in the amount of $50,000 for the purchase of a 15-passenger van. This van would serve as a vital transportation resource, ensuring the orphans' safe travel to school, church, medical appointments, extracurricular activities, and other specific needs. KSP is committed to exploring ways to fulfill this request, knowing it would greatly enhance the children's quality of life. 

Bethesda Orphanage's current van

We have doubled our 2023 fundraising goal in order to support the purchase of a new van.

Golf & Give Tournament 2023: Register Now!

WHEN: Thursday, August 10, 2023   
WHERE: Braestone Club 
TIME: Registration is at 9AM
            Shotgun Start 10 AM      
Register now by contacting Sarah: 
PHONE: 705-326-8844

Together we can make a difference. 

2023 Fundraising Goal: $100,000


© 2019 - 2023 Kingsview Sponsorship Program. All rights reserved.  All charitable donations to Kingsview are tax receptible in Canada. Registered Charity No. 74211 1925 RR0001

Contact Us

1-1118 Brodie Drive,
Severn, ON, L3V 0V2



© 2019 - 2022 Kingsview Sponsorship Program. All rights reserved. All charitable donations to Kingsview are tax receptible in Canada. Registered Charity No. 74211 1925 RR0001

Contact Us

(705) 326-8844

2-1118 Brodie Drive,
Severn, ON, L3V 0V2